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Contact Us: Contact
  • Registration Fee
    A one-time registration fee of $25 is charged for all new students.

  • Class Cancellations and Make-ups
    1) No refunds are given for missed lessons. A 24-hour written notice is required for class cancellations. If a class is canceled due to non-emergency reasons (such as scheduling conflicts or family vacations), a make-up lesson must be scheduled within the same week or within the tuition plan. If a student fails to attend make-up lesson the full tuition of the class will be charged.

  • 2) In-person students can schedule their make-up lessons online, or in-person with another instructor, subject to instructor availability.

  • 3) None-emergency last-minute cancellations or no-shows will be charged a full lesson’s tuition.

  • 4) Last-minute cancellation (within 24 hours of the class start time) can only be honored due to emergency or sickness and can only be used once during each session. One session includes 3 months. Lesson credit for the emergency cancellation will be postponed and can be used in the next lesson.
    5) The student is required to attend class on time. We do not offer make-up lessons/time for late

  • Lesson Renewal and Terminations
    1) All lessons will be automatically renewed. Invoices will be sent to the parent’s email address.
    2) A two-week notice is required for all lesson terminations. To withdraw from lessons, a parent or adult student must inform PQ administration by email, phone, or in person. Tuition charges will stop after the two-week notice period.

  • Instrument and MaterialsAll students are required to have a well-maintained instrument and books/materials required by the instructors.

  • Care of Students
    PQ is not responsible for providing before or after class care for students. Students are not to be left at the school before or after class.

  • Injuries
    Parents assume all risk of injury or harm to the child(ren) or adult(s) associated with participation in this musical activity at the PQ studios and agree to release, indemnify, defend and forever discharge PQ and its staff from all liability, claims, demands, damages, costs, and expenses in the unlikely event of injury sustained by your child(ren) or adult student during the course or as a result of this musical activity.

  • Photo/Video Release
    PQ is hereby granted permission to take photographs/videos of the students to use in brochures, websites, posters, advertisements, and other promotional materials the school creates. Permission is also hereby granted for the school to copyright such photographs and videos in its name.

  • Enrolled Students Benefits
    1) PQ will host recitals periodically (usually every three months) and all the students are encouraged to perform in recitals. PQ will recommend qualified students to participate in auditions, competitions and recitals organized by various music organizations. A fee will be charged for all performances and rehearsals.
    2) Enrolled students enjoy 20% off when using our recording service.

  • 3) Free monthly music theory webinars are exclusively offered to quarterly and annual payment students.

©2020-2023 by Practice Queens LLC. All rights reserved

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